Deann B.-I request that you please send him down my way immediately. Thanks. (love that bokeh, btw!)
Shannon -I must say…that is one of the 2 cutest dogs in the world…but then I MAY be a little biased! (Okay, maybe he’s one of the FOUR cutest dogs in the world because yours are definitely up there!) :-) Thanks again Kim!
Claire - who is this little buddy?? so cute!
Deann B. - I request that you please send him down my way immediately. Thanks. (love that bokeh, btw!)
Shannon - I must say…that is one of the 2 cutest dogs in the world…but then I MAY be a little biased! (Okay, maybe he’s one of the FOUR cutest dogs in the world because yours are definitely up there!) :-) Thanks again Kim!
Briony - hahaha tooo cute…awesome bokeh!
Heather - What a cutie. I love when you post doggie pics. Who is this little guy?
Grace - Just dying from the cuteness Kim. Love the sparkles (dew?) in the grass.
James - Love. This.