Maureen + Nils were destined to be together. Craigslist ads + seperate continents couldn’t keep these two apart!!
They were married on Labor Day at The Lairmont Manor in Bellingham. You couldn’t wipe the smiles off their faces. ;)
Maureen + Nils [ 9.1.08 ]Maureen + Nils were destined to be together. Craigslist ads + seperate continents couldn’t keep these two apart!! They were married on Labor Day at The Lairmont Manor in Bellingham. You couldn’t wipe the smiles off their faces. ;) Gelukwensen!!
Keri P. - Lovely! Sorry i wasn’t there to help you on this one!
Gina - I love the black Chucks!
Kim - i LOVE the shot of her putting on the chucks.. the lighting and background is so elegant.. the shoes are unexpected (and awesome). super cute couple! nice job as aaalways!